What IS that?

Seattle Sundries

"What IS that thing?" you might ask, if you see it sitting on my counter. "It's brilliant!" I'll respond. My sister-in-law bought it for me this weekend when she saw me coveting the one she uses in her Oregon kitchen. So, what do YOU think it is? A wooden whisk? A strange paper towel holder? I child "disciplining" tool? A rustic candle stick? No...it's a...wait for it...

Plastic bag drying rackSeattle Sundries!! Isn't that great?!! My grandma Evie always used to wash out her plastic bags (even the flimsy produce kind) and reuse them many times. She would hang them on the clothes line to dry. The sight of plastic bags flapping around in the wind is a vivid childhood memory of mine. I don't save produce bags, but I do reuse Ziplock style bags over and over again. Usually I just hang them upside down on an empty bottle, or try to prop them open on the counter, but neither of those methods has worked great, especially if I have several to dry at once.

So check out this puppy! When it's closed, it takes up very little space in a drawer or cupboard. When it's opened (by pushing down the wooden spacer), you can dry several larger bags and up to eight smaller ones.

Seattle Sundries

My husband thought I was crazy to get so excited, but now he thinks it's cool too. I love practical ingenuity!!

Seattle Sundries




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