Skruben Blog

By this time of year I'm always itching for spring to arrive. The days are starting to get longer, but it's still pretty wintery, gray and dark in our little corner of the world. Such a situation calls for glitter,...
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I recently had a booth at a big, beautiful, swanky wedding show. One of the perks was getting to decorate our display. I thought that candles were a must, but we weren't allowed to use any exposed flame...only candles enclosed...
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My children are extremely fair skinned. They burn like I do, which is to say, always. They also have fine hair which does little to protect their scalps from the sun. My son's hair sticks up enough that it isn't...
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Here's a fun, easy idea. My younger daughter got a glow in the dark solar system set for her birthday. We put a bunch of the stars on her ceiling, as instructed, but we had a bunch left over. The...
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Spring has finally arrived in Seattle. Thank heavens! It's been the most miserably long stretch of wet, cold, windy weather I can remember for a long time. In honor of Spring (and Mother's Day coming up next week), here's a...
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